Shahrukh Khan

The fifth stage of Dance Plus Reality Competition, hosted by India's Star Plus TV channel, is currently underway. One of the highlights of the event is the weekly invitational attendance of competitors to see their performances. Parallel to this is the promotion of an upcoming guest release. Often, Bollywood actors and actresses come to see their latest film before it is released.But last week was special. It was the week of the Republic Day of India. So they invite Shahrukh Khan, India's most powerful brand, to celebrate it.
 After a dance performance on the Taj Mahal, the program announcer Raghav Shah Rukh asks, "Sir, everybody goes to the Taj Mahal and takes photos with their fingertips. " That.

The King of Bollywood answers.

"My first job was to work as a concert attendant of the famous ghazal singer Pankaj Udas. At the end of the day, I was paid 50 rupees. That was my first salary. The first salary required to visit the Taj Mahal.I went to the train station and bought some for Agra. I wanted to go there and take a photo, but I didn't have a camera. But then I saw the Taj Mahal. Although I was hungry, I could not afford the money to return home. The only money I could afford was a lassi. I bought a pink lassi.Just as I was about to drink it, a bee fell into the glass. What to do No money to buy another one. I drank the bee and drank. On the way back I continued to vomit with my head out of the train window.That's the only memory I have of the Taj Mahal. "

Millions of fans around the world are gathering around the man who showed up at the Pankaj Udas concert.When people ask me where do I sit and take them to their places, this young man would have thought that at some future date, half the world's population would see him with a ticket.The young man may not have thought that he would become one of the richest people in the world in the future when he managed the hard-earned 50 rupees.
                                                                             As he boarded the train to visit the Taj Mahal, the young man might not have imagined that someday, he would wear a red jacket on a train and dance to a momentous moment in the history of Bollywood cinema.

How wonderful is life


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